Friday 7 September 2012

Time travel?

My trips to the doctors' get more ridiculous each time.

I'd been delicate in the abdomen region* for about a week and felt distinctly worse yesterday so decided, okay - best go and get it checked out.

So, off I went.

After poking and prodding and deciding to put me in a unit (terrifying words), he also added that he was going to test for Cholera.

My response was fairly deadpan. I believe I grimaced slightly and said, "Good, another medieval disease to add to the collection." He reminded me where I was living and ordered me to phone work and not go in for 5 days.

I'm drinking the closest approximation to Lucozade that could be found, feeling vaguely sorry for myself and awaiting test results.

I mean really... cholera...

*that's as much detail as I'm willing to share and suspect you're willing to read.

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