Friday 14 September 2012


Something quite pleasant happened to me on the way home from work tonight.

I felt chilly.

Not due to the vague fear that my xe-ôm had had one too many côt bía before coming to collect me, but, in fact, due to the wind.

It would appear that we are approaching autumn, the evening temperature is dropping and my element is in the air. Refreshing.

This was an improvement on yesterday's trip home in which the taxi driver decided to quiz me about why I wasn't married yet and informed me that I was getting on a bit if I wanted to have children. I told him my opinions on the subject and he left me in peace. We did have the conversation half in English and half in Thislandese, which made it more bearable - particularly as neither one of us was better than the other.

Both of these trips were better than one I had last week when I had to bring out the teacherness and tell the driver off for taking me the wrong way. He was under the impression we were going somewhere else, before I put him back on track. On leaving his cab I paid what I thought suitable and told him to listen in future (add stern voice and derisive look). I may have made him feel bad....

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