Saturday, 16 November 2013

Why not, coconut?

Our cook makes coconut milk. He hacks open the coconut with a viscious knife, cuts out the flesh, grates it (by hand) and blends it with water. He also makes soya milk from soy beans if you ask him to.
He's one of the most hard-working people I've ever met and is happy creating his culinary wonders. You ask him for something and he says "Why not, coconut?" and if you apologise for something he says "Don't worry, chicken curry!"

My neighbours and landlords make coconut oil. Actual coconut oil, that you go and pay vast amounts of money for in shops. You know why you pay vast amounts of money for it?
Well.... over this week I have been observing the process.

The coconuts are cleaned and smashed and cleaned more and dried; then turned and covered and lovingly examined; then gathered and taken to Chaudhi where they are ground and pressed and the oil comes out. The whole family is involved and it takes a long time. It is all done by hand and with a lot of care and effort. What you pay probably goes largely to the marketing companies, because that's how The West works. It certainly doesn't go to my hardworking neighbours.

Please try to appreciate this next time you slather coconut oil over you after your shower.